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Liquid protein


Sustainable production

BioWanze, the next-generation ethanol plant in Wanze, Belgium, extracts the liquid animal feed ProtiWanze® from the proteins and other components of the fermented wheat grain remaining after distillation. All raw material components are utilised. This feed is known as CDS (Concentrated Distillers' Solubles). The production diagram of BioWanze shows the manufacturing process of this feed.

Schematic Diagramm of the Production Process in BioWanze Download (PDF, 1 MB)

Marketing for cattle and pigs

CDS is a valuable liquid feed for cattle and pigs with a high protein content. This product is marketed jointly with our distribution partners.

The location of the ethanol plant in Wanze, which is ideally situated on the Meuse from a logistical point of view, offers the possibility of distributing ProtiWanze® in the BENELUX market and the neighbouring German and French markets for liquid animal feed. ProtiWanze® is transported both by tanker to local markets in the vicinity of the production plant and by inland waterway vessel to more distant sales markets.

The following nutrient values can be calculated for use in animal feed:

Feed value parameters Proportion
Dry matter 26,3 %
pH-value 4,0 - 4,5 %
Summary per kg dry matter (DM)*
Crude ash 49 g
Crude fibre 35 g
Crude protein 294 g
Crude fat 59 g
Starch 35 g
Sugar 92 g
Calcium 1,8 g
Phosphorus (vP) 7,1 (6,0) g
Sodium 1,5 g
Potassium 15,7 g
Magnesium 2,1 g
Lysine (vLys) 13,5 (9,6) g
Methionine (vMet) 4,5 (3,6) g
Cystine (vCys) 4,9 (3,6) g
Threonine (vThr) 10,6 (6,8) g
Tryptophan (vTrp) 3,2 (2,3) g
Lactic acid 57 g
Glycerin 158 g
NDFom 193 g
ADFom 63 g
ADL 10 g
Feed values (per kg DM)*
NEL 9.0 MJ
ME (cattle) 13.81 MJ
UDP** 5 % 38 %
nXP 236 g
ME (pig) 15.3 MJ

* The values shown are guide values. The composition depends on the composition of the processed raw materials and is subject to minor natural fluctuations. ** in the rumen undegradable crude protein at 5 % rumen outflow rate per hour.


Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

CropEnergies AG
Phone: +49 621 71 41 90-00
Fax: +49 621 71 41 90-04

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